
Age-related permanent makeup is one of the most responsible procedures. Women always strive to look good, but with the onset of an elegant age, it becomes more difficult to maintain beauty.

The skin becomes thinner and more tender with age. In a woman’s body, there are many rearrangements that are associated with a change in the hormonal background. The elasticity of the skin is lost, it is worse restored. As a result, this leads to age-related changes. When the skin loses elasticity, becomes thinner, facial features cease to be clearly defined, asymmetry appears on the face. All these changes can be corrected and made invisible with the help of proper permanent makeup.

For older women, among the techniques of eyebrow tattooing, it is best to give preference to the method of soft shading. It will look very natural, especially if you choose a harmonious color and a suitable face shape.

The most important thing is naturalness. It is worth avoiding clear lines and sharp corners. It is better to choose only natural colors and draw the correct shapes.

Benefits of permanent makeup from Maria Romanovskaya:

  1. Professional consultation with the selection of an individual solution.
  2. You won’t have a tattoo on your face. No blue or red eyebrows!
  3. Possibility of updating, not covering.
  4. The pigment eventually goes to zero and you don’t need to remove anything!
  5. Sterility and safety.

Your permanent makeup expert and beauty consultant Maria Romanovskaya.